Hi πŸ‘‹πŸ» , I'm

Ali nazari cat

I'm a Software Engineer building full-stack web applications with Svelte , Node.js, TypeScript,

and PostgreSQL. I like to hang out in Discord communities to help other developers, you will

probably find me in Github or Linkedin

πŸ“ earth


Tools and tech

typescript nest.js docker node js express elasticsearch mongodb postgresql redis graphql svelte
grpc rabbitmq apachekafka socket prisma sequelize fastify tailwindcss swagger

About me

My adventure in the computer world started when I entered university. At that time, I had a very difficult time figuring out which path I should choose. After a lot of struggling, I finally chose web programming. I started working with PHP, and after three years of working on various projects, I switched my focus to JavaScript. ...



  • linkedin

    Explore Web Development with Node.js

  • linkedin

    Advance your Node.js Skills

  • linkedin

    Essential New Skills in Software Engineering

  • hacker rank

    JavaScript (intermediate)

  • hacker rank

    JavaScript (Basic)


for more , please visit my github account πŸ€—